Group -A
1. Architecture of veterinary hospital buildings.
2. Study of dimension and gravitation of Moon.
3. Study of LIS curriculums in West Bengal.
4. Collection development of materials on motion pictures.
5. Gold trade in South Africa.
6. Religious experience in Hinduism.
7. Histogenesis study of helminthology.
8. Experimental research in angina pectoris.
9. Research in bioastronautics.
10. A critical appraisal of Hindi literatures on religious themes.
11. Depicting Bengal in Bengali poetry of 20tn century.
12. Statistical principles to information search strategy.
13. Bibliography of physics.
14. Bengali-French Dictionary.
15. International economic relation between China and Cuba.
16. Ethics of librarians.
17. Scientific principlls in indexing.
18. History of India since independence.
19. Mahabharata for children.
20. Criticism of Bengali social fiction of 18th century.
21. Film festival in Kolkata, 2006.
22. Surgery of brain tumor.
23. Migration of birds from Syberia to India.
24. System of marriage among Santals in Jharkhand.
25. Information processing of meteriological data data using on-line systems.
26. Centre-State relations in Indian administration.
27. Courses and curriculum of environmental science in secondary education in India.
28. Studies of voting pattern in Indian elections with the help of declared results.
29. Manual of government auditing in India.
30. Statistical method in social science research.
31. Learning French through English.
32. Bio-chemical studies of spermatophyte.
33. Prospecting of natural gases in Kaveri Valley.
34. Current awareness programme and SDI services in libraries.
35. Study of X-ray and Gamma ray.
36. Indian Medical Association.
37. Selection and acquisition of archival materials.
38. Bibliography of Boolean algebra.
39. Petroleum export from Arabian Countries.
40. Study of histogenesis of fishes.
41. Isomer study of heavy water.
42. Theory of mathematics.
43. Critical study of German fiction of 20th century displaying humanity.
44. A collection of English literature on idealism.
45. Official gazette of the Government of India.
46. Bharat Kosh - Bengali encyclopaedia.
47. Labour relations in chemical industry in Japan.
48. Exchange of scientific information between India and Russia : text of a bilateral treaty.
49. Social condition of Nepali in India.
50. Use of English words in French.
51. Bibliography of documents published by the Govt. of India, 1996.
52. English missions and missionaries in the Far-eastern countries.
53. Critical study of French poetry of early 20th century describing humanism.
54. Statistics of death due to cancer in underdeveloped countries.
55. Spanish colonial system in Argentina.
56. Community planning in the Third World countries.
57. Radiation therapy of skin diseases in children.
58. Maps locating science museums in Japan.
59. Audio-lingual approach to Russian for Hindi speaking learners.
60. Acquisition of microfilms in University libraries.
61. Japanese dictionary of chemical terms.
62. Social status of the Tamils in Srilanka.
63. Economic aid of Japan to British Commonwealth countries.
64. Internal decoration of Buddhist monasteries.
65. Radio-active isotope of Radium.
66. Treatment of parasitic -skin diseases of domestic dogs.
67. Maps locating art galleries in U.S.A.
68. Directory of Public libraries in Karnataka.
69. Industrial relations in coal industries in India.
70. Indo-German treaties relating to exchange of scientific information.
71. Role of opposition parties in the Indian Parliament.
72. Presidential address of the U.S. President to the legislators.
73. Input-output devices of digital computers.
74. Biochemical effects on plant cells.
75. Behaviour of animals in the deserts.
Group - B
(Questions of 7 marks)
1. British rule in India : a directory.
2. Education of women in ancient India.
3. Wages of women workers in Bangladesh.
4. 21st century elementary education in West Bengal.
5. Collection of debates in Indian Parliament: 2000-2010.
6. Selected poems of Robert Browing (1812-1889).
7. Urdu poetry of Asadullah Khan Ghalib (1797-1869).
8. Grammar of Oriya language.
9. An encyclopaedia of Bengali artists.
10. Seasonal changes and personal hygiene.
11. Punjabi speaking peoples living in USA.
12. Safety measures in road engineering.
13. The world history of Jews in 18th century.
14. Higher education in India: a survey.
15. Religious freedom Israel and Arab world.
16. Civil rights in Islamic Arab nations.
17. Geetanjali by R.N. Tagore (1861-1941).
18. Critical study of epic poetry.
19. Social structure of Bengali speaking people.
20. Handicrafts by handicaps.
21. Housing in West Bengal.
22. Labour market in Hosiery manufacturing.
23. Photography of Himalayan mountaineering.
24. Interior decoration of the University library buildings in India.
25. Radio-isotope scanning of cancers in livers.
26. Administration of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.
27. Statistics of death due to malnutrition in the Third World Countries.
28. Critical study of 20th century Bengali fiction displaying love.
29. Association of library science students in the Universities of India.
30. Indo-German treaties relating to exchange of scientific information on nuclear researches.
31. Exhibition of French painting in New York city.
32. Forecasting of rain fall in Assam valley.
33. Acidic reactions of inorganic substances in low temperatures.
34. Social services to the people suffering from leprosy in Uganda.
35. Collection of English poetry of early 20th century written by Bengali authors residing in
36. Radium therapy of lung cancer.
37. History of Non-aligned movement during 1960’s.
38. Laws on claims for medical insurance in United States.
39. Depiction of Bengal in Bengali poems of the early 20th century.
40. Hydrogen -ion concentration in chemical technology.
41. History of the third world during 1950-59.
42. Description of nature in Bengali poetry of early 20th century.
43. Application of computer in information search.
44. Prevention of viral diseases in poultry in Andhrapradesh .
45. Administration report of the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
46. Internal decoration of Buddhist monasteries.
47. Forecasting of snowfall in Kashmir Valley.
48. Use of Boolean logic in information search.
49. Market research on the use of detergent in India.
50. Collections of 20th century English poetry by the Malayalam writers.
51. Radio-isotope scanning of brain tumours of the children.
52. Association of library science students in the Universities of Great Britain.
53. Interior lighting of the University library buildings in Japan.
54. Pathology of cells and tissues in plants.
55. International who’s who -a biographical series published from New York, 2001.
56. Family ethics in christanity.
57. Report of the National Council of Educational Research and Training in India (Founded in
58. Defence policy of India during 1950’s.
59. A study of fears among the Europeans.
60. Physical and chemical processes of cotton textiles.
61. Sugarcane propagation in Tamil Nadu.
62. Management of road transport authorities in India.
63. Settlement of losses due to railroad transportation in Japan.
64. Right to religious freedom in British Constitution.
65. Post-operative care in veterinary surgery.
66. Effect of globalization on rural society in India.
67. Urdu-English Dictionary.
68. Techniques of reporting of aquatic games.
69. International relation between the USA and Sri Lanka.
70. Radiotherapy of liver disease.
71. McGraw-Hill Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology.
72. Statistics for Library and Information Scientists.
73. Forecasting of cyclone in coastal regions of India.
74. Journal .of Physics published from the USA.
75. Rearing of delinquent children : A mother’s advice.
Group -C
(Questions of 12 marks)
1. Higher -education of women in North-East India.
2. Freedom-struggle in British-India.
3. Indian law of conservation of wild animals.
4. Housing facilities of the migrant labour in building industries in India.
5. Soil conservation in dryland farming.
6. Selected poems of Rabindranath Tagore revealing rural women (author born in 1861).
7. Measuring intelligence of urban child in experimental psychology.
8. Social securities of female workers in tea industries of North-Assam.
9. Collected biographies of English Poets displaying human values (youngest author born in
10. International journal of mathematical biology, started in 1989.
11. Teaching English in primary education in West Bengal.
12. Chemical effect of phosphorus on the muscles physiology of invertebrates.
13. Depression of heart of potassium.
14. Public library and its role in adult education in India.
15. Dialects of Manipuri language.
16. Psycho-analytical studies of intelligence of urban women in India.
17. Filtration method in textile technology.
18. Processing of the International conference on the teaching of library classification in the
universities, held at Bombay, 1975.
19. Treatment of virus infection on the female genital organ using homeopathic measures.
20. Social securities of female clerical staff in banking services in India.
21. Japanese international law of diplomatic war prisoners in air-warfare.
22. International who’s who in library and information science, New York, 2002.
23. Treatment of nutrition deficient tissues of eye in old age.
24. Role of the opposition in Indian democracy during 1970s.
25. Functions of the president of the Indian Mathematical Society (Founded in 1925).
26. Learning English in primary education in West Bengal.
27. Carbohydrate metabolism in the roots of flowering plants.
28. Invention of computer and its impact on human civilisation.
29. Denationalisation of the petroleum industries in Iran.
30. Radio-astronomy and the quantum theory of light.
31. Survey of the relief work among rural people affected by earth-quake in Western
Maharastra in 1998.
32. Collected biographies of French historical dramatists (youngest author born in 1853).
33. Plant propagation of rice crops in dry farming in China.
34. Diffusion of gases in high temperatures.
35. Attitudes towards animals in Buddhism.
36. Feeding green manures to the goats.
37. Measuring intelligence of Indian children.
38. Genetic variations in animal cells.
39. Labour policy in the 10th plan in India, 2002-2007.
40. Diffusion of gases at low temperatures according to wave mechanics.
41. Function of the Director of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (Founded in 1972).
42. Public libraries and adult education in rural areas of West Bengal.
43. Use of nitrogen manures to vegetable crops in Tropical farming.
44. Journal of Oriental Studies, Vol. 19 No.5, 1925. This Journal published from Japan.
45. Settlement of strike of skilled labour in small scale electronic industries in Japan during
1999 to 2001.
46. Ventilation problem in coal mines in Bihar.
47. Use of green manure in rice crop.
48. Soil Science: Journal of the Soil Science Society of America Vol. 5 No. 3 March 1998.
49. Homoeopathic treatment of measles in children.
50. Annual report of the Delhi School of Economics.