CC-EG-10 (

UGDP 2nd Year

Q. Write a brief essay on the structure and style used by Hemingway in the old man and the sea.

Q. Critically analysis the title of Edgar A Poe's short story "The Purloined Letter"

Q. Write briefly on any two female American dramatist.

Q. Character of the Amanda in a glass Menagerie.

Q. The prologue by Anne Bradstreet analysis.

Q. The yellow wallpaper as a feminist as a psychological horror story.

Q. The Glass Menagerie: significance of the title/ use of symbolism/ role/ significance of Laura's glass animals/ conflict between illusion and reality/ critical appreciation of Motifs/ themes.

Q. Oh Captain, My Captain by Walt Whitman analysis.

Q. Comment on the character of Santiago.

Q. Role and character of manolin in The Old Man and The Sea.

Q. "view from the Bridge" by Arthur Miller analysis.

Q. Write a brief note on the main tenets of Puritanism./ Poetry of the puritan period.[Anne Bradstreet]

Q. Comment briefly on the contribution of Thomas Hooker to American theological Prose.


The theological writers of the colonical period. [Thomas Hooker, Thomas Shepherd, John Cotton, Richard Mather, Increase Mather, Cotton Mather]

Q. What is the Frontier thesis? Discuss the importance of the Frontier thesis historical context and its formulation of the American character.

Q. What is Frontier in American history? What do you think is the most important aspect of the frontier in shaping the American character historically from the beginning till the end of Frontier? give reasons for your answer.

Q. Write in short about the American dream and the idea of 'success'

Q. Do you think there had been huge change in the concept of the American dream in the 19th and the 20th century? give reason for your answer.

Q. Discuss in brief some of the characteristic of the American dream.

Q. What is multiculturism? comment on some of the socio political aspects of American multiculturism.

Q. Discuss the significance of the writings of Emerson and Thoreau.

Q. Discuss the main message and key points of The Gettysburg Address elaborately.


Gettysburg Address: how anaphora is employed/discuss the allusion.

Q. Write an essay of the American modernists poets/ confessional poets and their poetry.

Q. Lady Lazarus: as a Holocaust poem/ confessional elements in the poem/main image sequence.

Q. Crow Testament: as a narrative of postconical trauma/ socio- economic and cultural hardships historical endured by native  American people in white America - do you agree? give reason for your answer./theme of colonial violence.

Q. Write an essay on the beginning ( early 19th and late 19th century) of the novel in America.

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