BLIS Paper-01, BLIS Netaji Subhas Open University Assingment Examination Guide-2024,




Which law of library science advocates 'Education for all'? 

Which law of library science can be interpreted 

the light of 'Law of Probability'

Which Law of Library Science focuses on: subjective loss of time is more painful than objective loss of time : 

Child growth and adult growth is basic area of concern of the ‘Law' 

The book 'Documentation and its facets' is written by: '

Public Library Act in UK was enacted in the year: 

How many types of 'subscription libraries' were there in the UK before 1850? 

What is the date of publication of Adams Report? 

Public libraries of USA, Canada and Great Britain was boosted by funds of: 

In which year the Asiatic Society was established: 

INSDOC was established in the year: 

The Library Development Committee, Bombay was set up in the year: 

In which plan period a working group on 'Modernization of Library Science and Information' was constituted: 

Who was the expert on implementing National Science Information Policy in India: 

In which year 'The Bibliotheque Nationale' was made public? '

Who was the first librarian of National Library, Kolkata? '

Andhra Pradesh Public Library Act was enacted in the year '

Mizoram Public Libraries Act was enacted in the year: 

American Library Association was established in the year: 

ASLIB is situated in: 

IASLIC was established in the year: 

CDS/ISIS software was developed by:

Common Communication Format (CCF) was published by: 

NAAC was set up in the year:  

Focus of Traditional Knowledge Digital Library is: 

DESIDOC is functioning under the umbrella of: 

CSIR News is published by:

Five Laws of Library Science was in the year 

"Every book its reader" is the 

"Education for all" is the essence of 

Which law of Library Science advocates about 'Open Access' is the essence of Service of nascent micro thought to specialist' is the essence of 

Public Library Act of UK was enacted in the year 

Parry Committee Report was published in 

The Library Service Act of USA was enacted from the year:

Calcutta Public Library was open to public in the year 

Delivery of Books (Public Libraries) Act was passed in the year 

RRRLF was founded in the year 

British Museum was founded in the 

Library of Congress was established in the year 

National Library of Medicine secured its '

UNESCO Public Library Manifesto was first released in the year 

Maharashtra Public Libraries Act was enacted in the year 

West Bengal Public Libraries Act was enacted in the year 

Diary method is used to assess users 

Resource Sharing can be implemented among libraries through 

INFLIBNET stands for 

American Library Association was established in the year 

ILA was established in the year 

Who was the first president of Bengal Library Association 

IFLA stands for

Headquarter of FID is situated at 

INIS stands for 

Report on NISSAT was prepared by 

NASSDOC was established in the year 

DESIDOC stands for 

INPADOC stands for 

The article 'Sociological and Institutional Changes in American Life' was written by: ‘Sociological and Institutional Changes in American 

Melville Dewey was died in the year: 

The concept ‘Open Access' is covered by Laws: 

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