Care and Handling of Microforms
The microforms are used mainly for preservation purpose, but their use can't be restricted and, hence, there should always be at least two copies of the same document, one master and the other working copy. Master copies are seldom used or referred to. They are only used for duplicating purpose. Master copies should always be prepared by using silver halide microfilm, which has a permanent life. The microforms require careful handling and sophisticated storage environment. The following are some points requiring careful implementation:
Unfavorable environmental conditions are a major storage problem and hence, an efficient air conditioning system working round the clock is a must. A temperature of 12-16 degree Celsius and relative humidity of 30-35 per cent provides an ideal storage environment. Since obtaining such lower limits of temperature in tropical climate increases the operational cost considerably, a temperature of 20-22 degree Celsius and relative humidity of 45-50 per cent provides a workable solution.
The microform storage area should be free from dust particles and other contaminants.
Microforms should be stored in closed housings, in drawer type cabinets. The Microforms should not be stacked horizontally, but shelved in the upright, vertical position to prevent warpage. Excessive weight or pressure on the films must be avoided.
Microforms should be covered in boxes, envelops, folders and other enclosures which are chemically stable and free from acid or peroxides. The microform enclosures should be made of acid free paper or plastic. Paper enclosures with slightly rough or matte surface are recommended. Among plastic materials, cellulose triacetate, polyethylene and polypropylene are generally inert and chemically stable.
Microforms of different types, such as silver halide and diazo should not be filed at one place. Nitrate based films should not be stored in the same room, where acetate and polyester based films are stored.
Microforms should be handled gently. Finger prints may contain oils, dirt, lotions and other contaminants which can damage images. Careless handling can damage images by scratches and hence the film should be held by its edges. White cotton lint free gloves are recommended for use while handling microforms.
Eating, drinking and smoking should be prohibited in the microform storage area. Boiling of water or otherwise creation of water vapours should also be prohibited in the storage area.
Before using the microforms, the microform reader, reader-printer should be properly inspected and defective equipment should not be used.
The master copies of microforms must be inspected periodically for fungus, brittleness, dislocation and other defects.
Deteriorating microforms should be removed from storage area immediately.